The Great Law- Perhaps the most important of all the laws that govern our lives was put forth by Aristotle in about 350 b.c. He called it the " Principle of Causality , " and proclaimed for the first time that we live in a universe governed by order , and that there is a reason for everything that happens . We call it the law of cause and effect , and it is often referred to as the " iron law " of human destiny . The law of cause and effect can imprison us in a cell of our own making , or it can liberate us by giving us complete freedom , depending on how we use it . The law itself , like the law of gravity , is neutral . This law of cause and effect , which is both a physical and a mental law , says that for every effect in our lives , there is a specific cause , or causes . If there is an effect in our life that we want more of , like more money or greater success , we can trace it back to the cause , and by repeating the cause , we can enjoy more of the effects . If we are in sales or business and we have successes , we can trace those successes back to the specific things that we did to achieve them ; by repeating those causes , we can enjoy the same effects . This law also says that if there is an effect in our lives that we don't want , whether it be overweight , insufficient funds , problems with people , or negative business conditions , we can trace that effect back to the causes , and by removing or changing the causes , we can achieve different effects or results . This law of cause and effect is so simple and obvious that no one seriously questions it . We live in a world , and in a universe , governed by law , not by chance . Everything happens for a reason . Neither success nor failure is an accident . They have specific causes , and when we repeat the causes , we get the same effects , no matter who we are . This is just the way the world works .